
2024-09-15 - housekeeping

  • clean up /uses

  • clear up todo.txt clutter


  • decrease margin and padding for ul and li elements

  • fix metadata following post content appearing on page types other than posts and reviews


  • write initial Philips TAH7508 review (TODO: pics)

  • update list.html partial to include content from the root e.g. from reviews/_index.adoc to show disclaimer on the reviews page

  • bump p font size from 16px to 18px (testing this out)

  • set main.scss to use $font-size


  • Massively revamp the site’s CSS

  • Wrap Table of Contents in detail/summary tags

  • Change around colors of admonitions

  • Add changelog page

  • Make minor text adjustments while checking posts for CSS regressions

  • Fix 404 page to use article layout