Korean Food & Cooking Vocabulary Reference


December 28, 2018

Here is a compiled list of Korean words related to food, cooking, eating out, going out, and nutrition, all on one page.

If you spot a mistake or wish to add to this, please email Andrew or open an issue on Github.


Positions / People Terms

Word Meaning
조리사 a cook (요리사 is more common, see Cooking Verbs footnotes)
요리사 a chef

General Terms

Word Meaning
요리 cooking
요리법 recipe
요리책 cookbook
음식 food
중식 Chinese food
일식 Japanese food
한식 Korean food
양식 Western food
cooked rice, meal
식사 meal
진지 meal (honorific)
아침 식사, 조식 breakfast
점심, 중식 lunch
저녁 (식사), 석식 dinner
식용 edible
반찬 side dishes
과자 snack
안주 food/snacks/appetizers served with alcohol


Word Meaning
사과 apple
아보카도 avocado
바나나 banana
체리 cherry
곶감 dried persimmon
과일 fruit
포도 grape
자몽 grapefruit
단감 hard persimmon
재추 jujube, Chinese date
키위 kiwi fruit
레몬 lemon
mandarin orange, tangerine
망고 mango
멜론, 참위 melon
오렌지 orange
복숭아 peach
파인애플 pineapple
자두 plum
석류 pomegranate
건포도 raisin
홍시 soft, mellow persimmon
딸기 strawberry
수박 watermelon


Word Meaning
미역 brown seaweed
양배추 cabbage
옥수수 corn, maize
오이 cucumber
가지 eggplant
마늘 garlic
마늘쫑 garlic stems
green/spring onion
강낭콩 kidney bean
배주 Korean cabbage
상추, 양상치 lettuce
양파 onion
완두콩 pea
감자 potato
red bean
깻잎 sesame leaf
시금치 spinach
고구마 sweet potato
토마토 tomato
야채, 채소 vegetables
무우 white radish
애호박 zucchini
브로콜리 broccoli
당근 carrot
호박 pumpkin, squash


Word Meaning
음료, 음료수 beverages, drinks
우유 milk
커피 coffee
콜라 cola
주스 juice
오렌지 주스 orange juice
탄산음료 soft drinks
홍차 black tea
유자차 citron Tea
인삼차 ginseng tea
녹차 green tea
매실차 asian Apricot Tea
보리차 roasted barley tea
옥수수차 roasted corn tea
맥주 beer
칵테일 cocktail
막걸리 rice wine
소주 traditional Korean vodka
양주 western liquors
와인 wine


Word Meaning
베이컨 bacon
소고기 beef
닭가슴살 Chicken breast
닭고기 chicken (meat)
양고기 lamb/mutton
고기 meat
돼지 고기 pork
갈비 rib
등심 sirloin
안심 tenderloin


Word Meaning
전복 abalone
조개 clam
가재 crayfish
장어 eel
생선 fish (cooked for eating)
물고기 live fish in the ocean
랍스터 lobster
고등어 mackerel
홍합 mussels
낙지, 문어 octopus
새우 prawn, shrimp
raw fish, sashimi
연어 salmon
해산물 seafood
오징어 squid, cuttlefish
참치 tuna


Word Meaning
도토리 acorn
아몬드 almond
땅콩 peanut
호두 walnut


Word Meaning
버터 butter
달걀/계란 egg
치즈 cheese
박력분 cake/pastry flour
고추 chili pepper, chili
식용유 cooking oil
부스러기 crumbs
흰자 egg white
노른자 egg yolk
어목 fishcake
생크림 fresh cream
버섯 mushroom
깻잎 perilla leaf
rice cake
수프, 국, 탕 soup
떡볶이 spicy rice cake
보리 barley
설탕 sugar

Cooking & Ingredients

Ingredients, Spices

Word Meaning
양념 spices, seasonings
올리브오일/ 올리브유 olive oil
중력분 all-purpose flour
강력분 bread flour
밀가루 flour
성분 ingredient, component
재료 ingredients, material
uncooked rice
식초 vinegar
파프리카 capsicum, pepper
고수 cilantro
후추 black pepper

Sauces & Seasonings

Word Meaning
케첩 ketchup
마요네즈 mayonnaise
겨자 mustard
고추장 red pepper paste
고추가루 red pepper powder
소금 salt
참기름 sesame oil
된장 soybean paste
간장 soy sauce

Utensils, Dishes, & Cups

Word Meaning
사발 bowl
젓가락 chopsticks
조리용 소쿠리 colander
디저트 포크 dessert fork
포크 fork
얼음통 ice bucket
얼음집게 ice tongs
knife, chef’s knife
얕은 냄비 pan
접시 plate
평평한접시 plate
밥그릇 rice bowl
샐러드 포크 salad fork
받침접시 saucer
숟가락 spoon
수저 spoon and chopsticks
수저통 spoon bag
맥주잔 stein
식기류 tableware
정찬용 식기 tableware/ dinner set

Appliances & Rooms

Word Meaning
믹서기 blender
식기세척기 dishwasher
냉동고 freezer
냉장고 fridge
가스렌지 gas stove
그릴 grill
부엌, 주방 kitchen
전자 레인지 microwave
오븐 oven
식기 pantry
커피끓이개 percolator
토스터 toaster

Cooking Verbs

Word Meaning
잘게 썰다 cut into small pieces
얇게 썰다 cut into thin slices
굽다 roast, grill, barbecue, bake, toast
양념하다 season, add flavor
간을하다 to add salt
바르다 to baste or apply
데치다 to blanch, parboil
삶다 to boil
끓이다 to boil
물을 꿇이다 to boil water
요리하다 to cook *
조리하다 to cook *
익히다 to cook thoroughly (all the way through)
식히다 to cool down
깨다 to crack
썰다 to cut, chop (up), slice (up), dice (up), cube
자르다 to cut, slice
채우다 to fill
뒤집다 to flip over
튀기다 to fry
갈다 to grind
데우다 to heat up
반죽하다 to knead
반족(하다) (to make) batter or dough
재우다 to marinate, lay down and marinate
으깨다 to mash
녹다 to melt
다지다 to mince
섞다 to mix and blend
무치다 to mix, season, stir
비비다 to mix, twist, rub
부치다 to pan fry (cook in a shallow pan with just a bit of oil)
깍다 to peel with a knife, shave
껍질을 까다 to peel with ones hands (like an orange)
붓다, 따르다 to pour
넣다 to put in, add
놓다 to put on
조리다 to reduce (boil until there is little water left in a sauce)
(기름에) 볶다 to saute, fry (in oil)
뿌리다 to spray or sprinkle
부리다 to sprinkle
찌다 to steam
볶다 to stir fry
젓다 to stir (liquid)
맛을 보다, 맛보다 to taste
건을 보다 to taste (to see if food is too salty / bland)
손질하다 to trim (meats)
다듬다 to trim (vegetables, like cut the ends of spring onion)
계량하다 to weigh, measure


Word Meaning
썩다 (past tense) to be rotten
짭짤하다 to be a little salty
끓다 to boil/be boiling
쓰다 to be bitter
싱겁다 to be bland
차갑다 to be cold
얼큰하다 to be cold (used for broth)
뜨거워지다 to become hot
기름지다 to be fatty, greasy, or oily
구수하다 to be fermented and stinky
신선하다 to be fresh
볶이다 to be fried, roasted, parbroiled
새럽다 to be new and fresh
고소하다 to be nutty
느끼하다 to be oily and greasy
말랑하다 to be soft, tender, and ripe
부드럽다 to be soft to the touch
시큼하다 to be sour
달콤하다 to be sweet
상하다 to go bad, spoil, sour, rotten, become stale

Taste/Smell/Feeling Words

Nouns (Nominalized)

Word Meaning
떫은 맛 puckery taste
쓴 맛 bitter taste
짠 맛 salty taste
신 맛 sour taste
얼큰한 맛 spicy, hot taste
매운 맛 spicy taste
단 맛 sweet taste


Word Meaning
떫다 bitter, sour, rough-tasting
새콤하다 to be a bit sour and fresh
얼큰하다 to be a bit spicy enough to feel tingly in one’s mouth
쓰다 to be bitter (coffee)
씁쓸하다 to be bitterish, a bit bitter (dark chocolate)
쌉쌀하다 to be bitterish, slightly bitter
싱겁다 to be bland, flat, not salty enough
진짜 맛있다 to be delicious
구수하다 to be earthy-smelling / tasting (된장찌개)
비리다 to be fishy, smell fishy
맵다 to be hot, spicy
담백하다 to be light, clean, plain
맛없다 to be not good (literally: lacking taste)
매콤하다 to be pleasantly hot, spicy (떡볶이)
달짝지근하다 to be rather sweet, sweetish
시원하다, 개운하다 to be refreshing
짭조름하다 to be salty (good feeling)
짭잘하다 to be savory, salty (pringles)
시큼하다 to be somewhat sour, tart, acidic
시다 to be sour, tart, acidic, vinegary
달다 to be sweet
상큼하다 to be sweet and cool, refreshing (lemonade / orange juice)
달콤하다 to be sweet (chocolate)
달달하다 to be sweet (sugared water, etc)
칼칼하다 to be thirsty, dry, parched
느끼하다 to be too fatty, greasy, oily, rich, nauseating
짜다 to be too salty
고소하다 to have a nutty flavor (smell or taste of roasted sesame newly-baked bread)
맛있다 to taste good, be tasty (literally: to have taste)

Counter Words

Counter Items Counted
조각 a slice (pizza/pie), a piece (of something)
그릇, 볼 bowls
장, 컵 cups
plastic bottles
인분 servings, portions

Korean Food Names

Word Meaning
김치 Kimchi, made by salting vegetables such as napa cabbages, white radishes, etc., and seasoning and fermenting them.
겉절이 Fresh Kimchi
깍두기 Kimchi made of salt-pickled radish chopped in small cubes mixed with seasonings such as red pepper powder, etc.
나박김치 Chilled Water Kimchi, made by cutting slices of radishes in square shapes, salting them, adding chopped vegetables and spices, and finally soaking all these ingredients in seasoned water.
배추김치 Kimchi made with napa cabbages.
백김치 White Kimchi, made without chili pepper.
보쌈김치 Wrapped Kimchi, made by seasoning radishes, vegetables, etc., sliced in fixed sizes, and wrapping them with a large napa cabbage leaf.
오이소박이 Cucumber Kimchi, made by cutting cucumbers twice lengthwise, leaving one end uncut, and then stuffing them with chopped chives and onions seasoned with chopped scallions, minced garlic, red pepper, etc.
두부김치 Tofu with Stir-Fried Kimchi
Word Meaning
Cooked White Rice
콩밥 Rice with beans
김밥 Dried Seaweed Rolls, made by rolling rice and various other ingredients in dried laver seaweed and cutting them into bite-size slices.
김치볶음밥 Kimchi fried rice, made by stir-frying chopped kimchi, meat, vegetables, etc., with rice.
돌솥비빔밥 Stone Pot Bibimbap. Bibimbap served in a sizziling-hot earthenware bowl.
불고기덮밥 Bulgogi with Rice
비빔밥 Rice topped with sliced meat, mushrooms, eggs, seasoned vegetables, some seasonings, etc., of which all the ingredients are stirred before eating.
산채비빔밥 Mountain Vegetable Bibimbap
쌈밥 Leaf wraps and rice, eaten after wrapping rice, several side dishes, and ssamjang, condiments, on a leaf of lettuce, sesame, etc.
영양돌솥밥 Nutritious Stone Pot Rice
오징어덮밥 Spicy Sautéed Squid with Rice
콩나물국밥 Bean Sprout Soup with Rice
Word Meaning
볶음 Stir-fried dish
낙지볶음 Stir-Fried Octopus
오징어볶음 Stir-Fried Squid
제육볶음 Stir-Fried Pork
Word Meaning
잣죽 Pine Nut Porridge
전복죽 Rice Porridge with Abalone
호박죽 Pumpkin Porridge
흑임자죽 Black Sesame and Rice Porridge
Word Meaning
찌개 Korean stew made by putting tofu, vegetables, etc., in a small amount of broth with soybean or red pepper paste, and then boiling it with some spices or seasonings to taste a little salty.
김치찌개 Kimchi Stew
된장찌개 Soybean Paste Stew
부대찌개 Spicy Sausage Stew
순두부찌개 Spicy Soft Tofu Stew
청국장찌개 Rich Soybean Paste Stew
해물순두부찌개 Seafood Soft Tofu Stew

|Word |Meaning| |—|—|| | |Soup| |삼계탕 |Ginseng Chicken Soup| |보신탕 |Dog soup| |갈비탕 |Short Rib Soup| |감자탕 |Pork-on-the-Bone Soup with Potatoes| |곰탕 |Thick Beef Bone Soup| |매운탕 |Spicy Fish Soup| |설렁탕 |Ox Bone Soup| |우거지갈비탕 |Cabbage and Short Rib Soup| |육개장 |Spicy Beef Soup| |해물탕 |Spicy Seafood Soup|

Word Meaning
떡국 Sliced Rice Cake Soup
미역국 Seaweed Soup
된장국 Soybean Paste Soup
떡만둣국 Rice cake and Mandu Soup
만둣국 Mandu Soup
북엇국 Dried Pollock Soup
Word Meaning
전골 Hot Pot, food made by putting meat, mushroom, seafood, seasoning,
etc., in a stew pot, adding broth, and boiling it.
곱창전골 Spicy Beef Tripe Hot Pot
국수전골 Noodles Hot Pot
두부전골 Tofu Hot Pot
만두전골 Mandu Hot Pot
불낙전골 Bulgogi and Octopus Hot Pot
신선로 Royal Hot Pot
Word Meaning
/ 조림 Steamed, Braised dish
아귀찜 Spicy Angler Fish with Soybean Sprouts
해물찜 Braised Seafood
갈비찜 Braised Short Ribs
찜닭 Braised Chili Chicken
갈치조림 Braised Cutlassfish
고등어조림 Braised Mackerel
두부조림 Braised Pan-Fried Tofu
은대구조림 Braised Cod
Word Meaning
국수 / Noodles, made by kneading wheat flour, buckwheat, potatoes, etc. and cutting the dough into long thin strips with a knife, machine, or by hand, or a dish made by boiling this.
냉면 Cold noodles
물냉면 Chilled Buckwheat Noodle Soup
비빔냉면 Spicy Mixed Buckwheat Noodles
자장면 Black bean noodles
잡채 sweet potatoe noodles
신라면 Shin Ramen
비빔국수 Spicy Mixed Noodles
수제비 Sujebi (Korean Style Pasta Soup)
잔치국수 Banquet Noodles
쟁반국수 Jumbo Sized Buckwheat Noodles
칼국수 Noodle Soup
Word Meaning
고기 Meat
삼겹살 pork belly meat: A fleshy part of a pork belly, featuring three layers of fat and flesh, grilled pork belly, a Korea dish made from the meat.
갈비 Ribs
불고기 Bulgogi
오삼고기 Combination of 오징어 and 삼겹살 meat
닭발 Chicken feet
Word Meaning
물고기 fish
조기 yellow corvina (popular in Korea - the fish is fried whole)
고등어 mackerel (also fried whole)
참치 tuna
멸치 anchovy (popular side dish)
Word Meaning
구이 Grilled
곱창구이 Grilled Beef Tripe
더덕구이 Grilled Deodeok
돼지갈비구이 Grilled Spareribs
생선구이 Grilled Fish
소갈비구이 Grilled Beef Ribs
오리구이 Grilled Duck
황태구이 Seasoned and Grilled Dried Pollock
Word Meaning
-채 Platter
잡채 Noodles with Sautéed Vegetables
탕평채 Mung Bean Jelly Mixed with Vegetables and Beef
해파리냉채 Jellyfish Platter
Word Meaning
만두 dumpling
만두소 dumpling filling/stuffing
만두피 dumpling skin
군만두 fried dumpling
물만두 boiled dumpling
찐만두 steamed dumpling

Other Food

Word Meaning
순대 Korean blood sausage, made by steaming seasoned sweet potato, noodles, tofu, glutinous rice, etc. which are stuffed into a pig’s intestine
샌드위치 sandwhich
감자 튀김 french fries, chips
도넛 doughnut
피자 pizza
두부 tofu
파스타 pasta
라면 instant noodles (ramen)
쿠키 cookie
비스킷 biscuit
케이크 cake
아이스크림 ice cream


“Korean Wiki Project: Cooking.” 2024. Koreanwikiproject.com. http://www.koreanwikiproject.com/wiki/Cooking.
“Korean Wiki Project: Nutrition.” 2024. Koreanwikiproject.com. http://www.koreanwikiproject.com/wiki/Nutrition.
“Korean-English Learners’ Dictionary.” 2024. Korean.go.kr. https://krdict.korean.go.kr/eng/.
