Korean Food & Cooking Vocabulary Reference
Table of Contents
Here is a compiled list of Korean words related to food, cooking, eating out, going out, and nutrition.
If you spot a mistake or wish to add to this, please contact Andrew.
Positions / People Terms
Word | Meaning |
조리사 |
a cook (요리사 is more common, see Cooking Verbs footnotes) |
요리사 |
a chef |
General Terms
Word | Meaning |
요리 |
cooking |
요리법 |
recipe |
요리책 |
cookbook |
음식 |
food |
중식 |
Chinese food |
일식 |
Japanese food |
한식 |
Korean food |
양식 |
Western food |
밥 |
cooked rice, meal |
식사 |
meal |
진지 |
meal (honorific) |
아침 식사, 조식 |
breakfast |
점심, 중식 |
lunch |
저녁 (식사), 석식 |
dinner |
식용 |
edible |
반찬 |
side dishes |
과자 |
snack |
안주 |
food/snacks/appetizers served with alcohol |
Word | Meaning |
사과 |
apple |
아보카도 |
avocado |
바나나 |
banana |
체리 |
cherry |
곶감 |
dried persimmon |
과일 |
fruit |
포도 |
grape |
자몽 |
grapefruit |
단감 |
hard persimmon |
재추 |
jujube, Chinese date |
키위 |
kiwi fruit |
레몬 |
lemon |
귤 |
mandarin orange, tangerine |
망고 |
mango |
멜론, 참위 |
melon |
오렌지 |
orange |
복숭아 |
peach |
배 |
pear |
감 |
persimmon |
파인애플 |
pineapple |
자두 |
plum |
석류 |
pomegranate |
건포도 |
raisin |
홍시 |
soft, mellow persimmon |
딸기 |
strawberry |
수박 |
watermelon |
Word | Meaning |
콩 |
bean |
미역 |
brown seaweed |
양배추 |
cabbage |
옥수수 |
corn, maize |
오이 |
cucumber |
가지 |
eggplant |
마늘 |
garlic |
마늘쫑 |
garlic stems |
파 |
green/spring onion |
강낭콩 |
kidney bean |
배주 |
Korean cabbage |
상추, 양상치 |
lettuce |
양파 |
onion |
완두콩 |
pea |
감자 |
potato |
팥 |
red bean |
깻잎 |
sesame leaf |
시금치 |
spinach |
고구마 |
sweet potato |
토마토 |
tomato |
야채, 채소 |
vegetables |
무우 |
white radish |
애호박 |
zucchini |
브로콜리 |
broccoli |
당근 |
carrot |
호박 |
pumpkin, squash |
Word | Meaning |
음료, 음료수 |
beverages, drinks |
물 |
water |
우유 |
milk |
커피 |
coffee |
콜라 |
cola |
주스 |
juice |
오렌지 주스 |
orange juice |
탄산음료 |
soft drinks |
차 |
tea |
홍차 |
black tea |
유자차 |
citron Tea |
인삼차 |
ginseng tea |
녹차 |
green tea |
매실차 |
asian Apricot Tea |
보리차 |
roasted barley tea |
옥수수차 |
roasted corn tea |
술 |
alcohol |
맥주 |
beer |
칵테일 |
cocktail |
막걸리 |
rice wine |
소주 |
traditional Korean vodka |
양주 |
western liquors |
와인 |
wine |
Word | Meaning |
베이컨 |
bacon |
소고기 |
beef |
닭가슴살 |
Chicken breast |
닭고기 |
chicken (meat) |
양고기 |
lamb/mutton |
고기 |
meat |
돼지 고기 |
pork |
갈비 |
rib |
등심 |
sirloin |
안심 |
tenderloin |
Word | Meaning |
전복 |
abalone |
조개 |
clam |
게 |
crab |
가재 |
crayfish |
장어 |
eel |
생선 |
fish (cooked for eating) |
물고기 |
live fish in the ocean |
랍스터 |
lobster |
고등어 |
mackerel |
홍합 |
mussels |
낙지, 문어 |
octopus |
굴 |
oyster |
새우 |
prawn, shrimp |
회 |
raw fish, sashimi |
연어 |
salmon |
파 |
scallion |
해산물 |
seafood |
오징어 |
squid, cuttlefish |
참치 |
tuna |
Word | Meaning |
도토리 |
acorn |
아몬드 |
almond |
밤 |
chestnut |
땅콩 |
peanut |
호두 |
walnut |
Word | Meaning |
버터 |
butter |
달걀/계란 |
egg |
치즈 |
cheese |
박력분 |
cake/pastry flour |
고추 |
chili pepper, chili |
식용유 |
cooking oil |
부스러기 |
crumbs |
흰자 |
egg white |
노른자 |
egg yolk |
어목 |
fishcake |
생크림 |
fresh cream |
버섯 |
mushroom |
면 |
noodle |
깻잎 |
perilla leaf |
떡 |
rice cake |
수프, 국, 탕 |
soup |
떡볶이 |
spicy rice cake |
보리 |
barley |
밀 |
wheat |
설탕 |
sugar |
Cooking & Ingredients
Ingredients, Spices
Word | Meaning |
양념 |
spices, seasonings |
올리브오일/ 올리브유 |
olive oil |
중력분 |
all-purpose flour |
강력분 |
bread flour |
밀가루 |
flour |
성분 |
ingredient, component |
재료 |
ingredients, material |
쌀 |
uncooked rice |
식초 |
vinegar |
파프리카 |
capsicum, pepper |
고수 |
cilantro |
후추 |
black pepper |
Sauces & Seasonings
Word | Meaning |
꿀 |
honey |
케첩 |
ketchup |
마요네즈 |
mayonnaise |
겨자 |
mustard |
고추장 |
red pepper paste |
고추가루 |
red pepper powder |
소금 |
salt |
참기름 |
sesame oil |
된장 |
soybean paste |
간장 |
soy sauce |
Utensils, Dishes, & Cups
Word | Meaning |
사발 |
bowl |
젓가락 |
chopsticks |
조리용 소쿠리 |
colander |
컵 |
cup |
디저트 포크 |
dessert fork |
포크 |
fork |
얼음통 |
ice bucket |
얼음집게 |
ice tongs |
칼 |
knife, chef’s knife |
얕은 냄비 |
pan |
접시 |
plate |
평평한접시 |
plate |
밥그릇 |
rice bowl |
샐러드 포크 |
salad fork |
받침접시 |
saucer |
숟가락 |
spoon |
수저 |
spoon and chopsticks |
수저통 |
spoon bag |
맥주잔 |
stein |
식기류 |
tableware |
정찬용 식기 |
tableware/ dinner set |
Kitchen Tools & Related
Word | Meaning |
그램 |
a gram |
앞치마 |
apron |
톱칼 |
bandsaw |
깡통따개 |
can opener |
구멍뚫린 조미료통 |
caster |
타래 송곳 |
corkscrew |
식기실 |
cupboard |
도마 |
cutting (chopping) board |
후라이팬, 프라이팬 |
frying pan |
유리 |
glass |
쥬서기 |
juicer |
주전자 |
kettle |
식칼 |
kitchen knife (cleaver, butcher knife) |
행주 |
kitchen towel |
주걱 |
ladle |
레몬즙기 |
lemon squeezer |
계량컵 |
measuring cup |
큰접시 |
platter |
냄비 |
pot |
밥솥 |
rice cooker |
밀대 |
rolling pin |
고무장갑 |
rubber gloves |
소스냄비 |
sauce pan |
저울 |
scale |
국자 |
soup ladle |
뒤집개 |
spatula |
수세미 |
steel wool / scrubbing pad |
체 |
strainer |
계량 |
weighing, measuring |
교반기 |
whisk, egg beater |
Appliances & Rooms
Word | Meaning |
믹서기 |
blender |
식기세척기 |
dishwasher |
냉동고 |
freezer |
냉장고 |
fridge |
가스렌지 |
gas stove |
그릴 |
grill |
부엌, 주방 |
kitchen |
전자 레인지 |
microwave |
오븐 |
oven |
식기 |
pantry |
커피끓이개 |
percolator |
토스터 |
toaster |
Cooking Verbs
Word | Meaning |
잘게 썰다 |
cut into small pieces |
얇게 썰다 |
cut into thin slices |
굽다 |
roast, grill, barbecue, bake, toast |
양념하다 |
season, add flavor |
간을하다 |
to add salt |
바르다 |
to baste or apply |
데치다 |
to blanch, parboil |
삶다 |
to boil |
끓이다 |
to boil |
물을 꿇이다 |
to boil water |
요리하다 |
to cook * |
조리하다 |
to cook * |
익히다 |
to cook thoroughly (all the way through) |
식히다 |
to cool down |
깨다 |
to crack |
썰다 |
to cut, chop (up), slice (up), dice (up), cube |
자르다 |
to cut, slice |
채우다 |
to fill |
뒤집다 |
to flip over |
튀기다 |
to fry |
갈다 |
to grind |
데우다 |
to heat up |
반죽하다 |
to knead |
반족(하다) |
(to make) batter or dough |
재우다 |
to marinate, lay down and marinate |
으깨다 |
to mash |
녹다 |
to melt |
다지다 |
to mince |
섞다 |
to mix and blend |
무치다 |
to mix, season, stir |
비비다 |
to mix, twist, rub |
부치다 |
to pan fry (cook in a shallow pan with just a bit of oil) |
깍다 |
to peel with a knife, shave |
껍질을 까다 |
to peel with ones hands (like an orange) |
붓다, 따르다 |
to pour |
넣다 |
to put in, add |
놓다 |
to put on |
조리다 |
to reduce (boil until there is little water left in a sauce) |
(기름에) 볶다 |
to saute, fry (in oil) |
뿌리다 |
to spray or sprinkle |
부리다 |
to sprinkle |
찌다 |
to steam |
볶다 |
to stir fry |
젓다 |
to stir (liquid) |
맛을 보다, 맛보다 |
to taste |
건을 보다 |
to taste (to see if food is too salty / bland) |
손질하다 |
to trim (meats) |
다듬다 |
to trim (vegetables, like cut the ends of spring onion) |
계량하다 |
to weigh, measure |
Word | Meaning |
썩다 (past tense) |
to be rotten |
짭짤하다 |
to be a little salty |
끓다 |
to boil/be boiling |
쓰다 |
to be bitter |
싱겁다 |
to be bland |
차갑다 |
to be cold |
얼큰하다 |
to be cold (used for broth) |
뜨거워지다 |
to become hot |
기름지다 |
to be fatty, greasy, or oily |
구수하다 |
to be fermented and stinky |
신선하다 |
to be fresh |
볶이다 |
to be fried, roasted, parbroiled |
새럽다 |
to be new and fresh |
고소하다 |
to be nutty |
느끼하다 |
to be oily and greasy |
말랑하다 |
to be soft, tender, and ripe |
부드럽다 |
to be soft to the touch |
시큼하다 |
to be sour |
달콤하다 |
to be sweet |
상하다 |
to go bad, spoil, sour, rotten, become stale |
Taste/Smell/Feeling Words
Nouns (Nominalized)
Word | Meaning |
맛 |
taste |
떫은 맛 |
puckery taste |
쓴 맛 |
bitter taste |
짠 맛 |
salty taste |
신 맛 |
sour taste |
얼큰한 맛 |
spicy, hot taste |
매운 맛 |
spicy taste |
단 맛 |
sweet taste |
Word | Meaning |
떫다 |
bitter, sour, rough-tasting |
새콤하다 |
to be a bit sour and fresh |
얼큰하다 |
to be a bit spicy enough to feel tingly in one’s mouth |
쓰다 |
to be bitter (coffee) |
씁쓸하다 |
to be bitterish, a bit bitter (dark chocolate) |
쌉쌀하다 |
to be bitterish, slightly bitter |
싱겁다 |
to be bland, flat, not salty enough |
진짜 맛있다 |
to be delicious |
구수하다 |
to be earthy-smelling / tasting (된장찌개) |
비리다 |
to be fishy, smell fishy |
맵다 |
to be hot, spicy |
담백하다 |
to be light, clean, plain |
맛없다 |
to be not good (literally: lacking taste) |
매콤하다 |
to be pleasantly hot, spicy (떡볶이) |
달짝지근하다 |
to be rather sweet, sweetish |
시원하다, 개운하다 |
to be refreshing |
짭조름하다 |
to be salty (good feeling) |
짭잘하다 |
to be savory, salty (pringles) |
시큼하다 |
to be somewhat sour, tart, acidic |
시다 |
to be sour, tart, acidic, vinegary |
달다 |
to be sweet |
상큼하다 |
to be sweet and cool, refreshing (lemonade / orange juice) |
달콤하다 |
to be sweet (chocolate) |
달달하다 |
to be sweet (sugared water, etc) |
칼칼하다 |
to be thirsty, dry, parched |
느끼하다 |
to be too fatty, greasy, oily, rich, nauseating |
짜다 |
to be too salty |
고소하다 |
to have a nutty flavor (smell or taste of roasted sesame / newly-baked bread) |
맛있다 |
to taste good, be tasty (literally: to have taste) |
Eating, Going Out, & Related
Word | Meaning |
입맛 |
appetite |
계산서 |
bill or check |
대리 운전 |
designated driving |
음주 |
drinking |
술자리 |
drinking party/event, banquet |
음주운전 |
drunk driving |
포장마차 |
food cart with seating |
차림표, 메뉴 |
menu |
해장 |
something to relieve a hangover (food or drink) |
배달하다 |
to deliver |
Word | Meaning |
건배 |
cheers, a toast |
음주(하다) |
drinking, to have a drink. |
씹다 |
to chew |
나눠서 내다 |
to divide the check (3+ people) |
장을 보다 |
to do grocery shopping |
마시다 |
to drink |
먹다 |
to eat (can be used drinks like 소주 as well) |
들다 |
to eat (honorific) |
드시다 |
to eat (honorific) |
식사하다 |
to have a meal |
예약하다 |
to make a reservation |
따다 |
to open (a bottle, etc) |
주문하다 |
to order food |
붓다 |
to pour |
따르다 |
to pour |
(저녁을) 굶다 |
to skip a meal, to starve |
반반 씩 내다 |
to split in half / go dutch (2 people) |
맛을 보다 |
to taste |
건을 보다 |
to taste (to see if food is too salty / bland) |
Word | Meaning |
알딸딸하다 |
slang for being buzzed or tipsy |
아깝다 |
to be a waste (used when there are leftovers) |
배 부르다 |
to be full |
배고프다 |
to be hungry |
목이 마르다 |
to be thirsty |
얼큰하다 |
to be tipsy, drunk |
(~에) 취하다 |
to get drunk |
Counter | Items Counted |
조각 |
a slice (pizza/pie), a piece (of something) |
병 |
bottles |
그릇, 볼 |
bowls |
장, 컵 |
cups |
통 |
plastic bottles |
인분 |
servings, portions |
Nutrition & Related Words
Word | Meaning |
칼슘 |
calcium |
열량 |
calorie |
탄수화물 |
carbohydrate |
콜레스테롤 |
cholesterol |
영양사 |
dietician |
지방 |
fat |
식이섬유 |
fibers, dietary fibers |
철분 |
iron |
영양소 |
nutrient |
영양 |
nutrition |
영양성분 |
nutritional ingredients |
영양제 |
nutritional supplements |
영양가 |
nutritional value |
단백질 |
protein |
포화지방 |
saturated fat |
나트륨 |
sodium |
당/당류 |
sugars |
불포화지방 |
unsaturated fat |
비타민 |
vitamin |
Food Names
Korean Food
Word | Meaning |
김치 |
Kimchi, made by salting vegetables such as napa cabbages, white radishes, etc., and seasoning and fermenting them. |
겉절이 |
Fresh Kimchi |
깍두기 |
Kimchi made of salt-pickled radish chopped in small cubes mixed with seasonings such as red pepper powder, etc. |
나박김치 |
Chilled Water Kimchi, made by cutting slices of radishes in square shapes, salting them, adding chopped vegetables and spices, and finally soaking all these ingredients in seasoned water. |
배추김치 |
Kimchi made with napa cabbages. |
백김치 |
White Kimchi, made without chili pepper. |
보쌈김치 |
Wrapped Kimchi, made by seasoning radishes, vegetables, etc., sliced in fixed sizes, and wrapping them with a large napa cabbage leaf. |
오이소박이 |
Cucumber Kimchi, made by cutting cucumbers twice lengthwise, leaving one end uncut, and then stuffing them with chopped chives and onions seasoned with chopped scallions, minced garlic, red pepper, etc. |
두부김치 |
Tofu with Stir-Fried Kimchi |
Word | Meaning |
밥 |
Cooked White Rice |
콩밥 |
Rice with beans |
김밥 |
Dried Seaweed Rolls, made by rolling rice and various other ingredients in dried laver seaweed and cutting them into bite-size slices. |
김치볶음밥 |
Kimchi fried rice, made by stir-frying chopped kimchi, meat, vegetables, etc., with rice. |
돌솥비빔밥 |
Stone Pot Bibimbap. Bibimbap served in a sizziling-hot earthenware bowl. |
불고기덮밥 |
Bulgogi with Rice |
비빔밥 |
Rice topped with sliced meat, mushrooms, eggs, seasoned vegetables, some seasonings, etc., of which all the ingredients are stirred before eating. |
산채비빔밥 |
Mountain Vegetable Bibimbap |
쌈밥 |
Leaf wraps and rice, eaten after wrapping rice, several side dishes, and ssamjang, condiments, on a leaf of lettuce, sesame, etc. |
영양돌솥밥 |
Nutritious Stone Pot Rice |
오징어덮밥 |
Spicy Sautéed Squid with Rice |
콩나물국밥 |
Bean Sprout Soup with Rice |
Word | Meaning |
볶음 |
Stir-fried dish |
낙지볶음 |
Stir-Fried Octopus |
오징어볶음 |
Stir-Fried Squid |
제육볶음 |
Stir-Fried Pork |
Word | Meaning |
죽 |
Porridge |
잣죽 |
Pine Nut Porridge |
전복죽 |
Rice Porridge with Abalone |
호박죽 |
Pumpkin Porridge |
흑임자죽 |
Black Sesame and Rice Porridge |
Word | Meaning |
찌개 |
Korean stew made by putting tofu, vegetables, etc., in a small amount of broth with soybean or red pepper paste, and then boiling it with some spices or seasonings to taste a little salty. |
김치찌개 |
Kimchi Stew |
된장찌개 |
Soybean Paste Stew |
부대찌개 |
Spicy Sausage Stew |
순두부찌개 |
Spicy Soft Tofu Stew |
청국장찌개 |
Rich Soybean Paste Stew |
해물순두부찌개 |
Seafood Soft Tofu Stew |
Word | Meaning |
탕 |
Soup |
삼계탕 |
Ginseng Chicken Soup |
보신탕 |
Dog soup |
갈비탕 |
Short Rib Soup |
감자탕 |
Pork-on-the-Bone Soup with Potatoes |
곰탕 |
Thick Beef Bone Soup |
매운탕 |
Spicy Fish Soup |
설렁탕 |
Ox Bone Soup |
우거지갈비탕 |
Cabbage and Short Rib Soup |
육개장 |
Spicy Beef Soup |
해물탕 |
Spicy Seafood Soup |
Word | Meaning |
국 |
Soup |
떡국 |
Sliced Rice Cake Soup |
미역국 |
Seaweed Soup |
된장국 |
Soybean Paste Soup |
떡만둣국 |
Rice cake and Mandu Soup |
만둣국 |
Mandu Soup |
북엇국 |
Dried Pollock Soup |
Word | Meaning |
전골 |
Hot Pot, food made by putting meat, mushroom, seafood, seasoning, etc., in a stew pot, adding broth, and boiling it. |
곱창전골 |
Spicy Beef Tripe Hot Pot |
국수전골 |
Noodles Hot Pot |
두부전골 |
Tofu Hot Pot |
만두전골 |
Mandu Hot Pot |
불낙전골 |
Bulgogi and Octopus Hot Pot |
신선로 |
Royal Hot Pot |
Word | Meaning |
찜 / 조림 |
Steamed, Braised dish |
아귀찜 |
Spicy Angler Fish with Soybean Sprouts |
해물찜 |
Braised Seafood |
갈비찜 |
Braised Short Ribs |
찜닭 |
Braised Chili Chicken |
갈치조림 |
Braised Cutlassfish |
고등어조림 |
Braised Mackerel |
두부조림 |
Braised Pan-Fried Tofu |
은대구조림 |
Braised Cod |
Word | Meaning |
국수 / 면 |
Noodles, made by kneading wheat flour, buckwheat, potatoes, etc. and cutting the dough into long thin strips with a knife, machine, or by hand, or a dish made by boiling this. |
냉면 |
Cold noodles |
물냉면 |
Chilled Buckwheat Noodle Soup |
비빔냉면 |
Spicy Mixed Buckwheat Noodles |
자장면 |
Black bean noodles |
잡채 |
sweet potatoe noodles |
신라면 |
Shin Ramen |
비빔국수 |
Spicy Mixed Noodles |
수제비 |
Sujebi (Korean Style Pasta Soup) |
잔치국수 |
Banquet Noodles |
쟁반국수 |
Jumbo Sized Buckwheat Noodles |
칼국수 |
Noodle Soup |
Word | Meaning |
고기 |
Meat |
삼겹살 |
pork belly meat: A fleshy part of a pork belly, featuring three layers of fat and flesh, grilled pork belly, a Korea dish made from the meat. |
갈비 |
Ribs |
불고기 |
Bulgogi |
오삼고기 |
Combination of 오징어 and 삼겹살 meat |
닭발 |
Chicken feet |
Word | Meaning |
물고기 |
fish |
조기 |
yellow corvina (popular in Korea - the fish is fried whole) |
고등어 |
mackerel (also fried whole) |
참치 |
tuna |
멸치 |
anchovy (popular side dish) |
Word | Meaning |
구이 |
Grilled |
곱창구이 |
Grilled Beef Tripe |
더덕구이 |
Grilled Deodeok |
돼지갈비구이 |
Grilled Spareribs |
생선구이 |
Grilled Fish |
소갈비구이 |
Grilled Beef Ribs |
오리구이 |
Grilled Duck |
황태구이 |
Seasoned and Grilled Dried Pollock |
Word | Meaning |
채 |
Platter |
잡채 |
Noodles with Sautéed Vegetables |
탕평채 |
Mung Bean Jelly Mixed with Vegetables and Beef |
해파리냉채 |
Jellyfish Platter |
Word | Meaning |
만두 |
dumpling |
만두소 |
dumpling filling/stuffing |
만두피 |
dumpling skin |
군만두 |
fried dumpling |
물만두 |
boiled dumpling |
찐만두 |
steamed dumpling |
Other Food
Word | Meaning |
순대 |
Korean blood sausage, made by steaming seasoned sweet potato, noodles, tofu, glutinous rice, etc. which are stuffed into a pig’s intestine |
샌드위치 |
sandwhich |
감자 튀김 |
french fries, chips |
도넛 |
doughnut |
피자 |
pizza |
두부 |
tofu |
파스타 |
pasta |
라면 |
instant noodles (ramen) |
쿠키 |
cookie |
비스킷 |
biscuit |
케이크 |
cake |
아이스크림 |
ice cream |